Excellence Redefined

Modus works under the leadership of accomplished professionals with hands-on experience with deep IT and domain knowledge in the key areas of BFSI such as Corporate, Retail, Trade Finance, Digital banking, Banking transformation and payments.

We Bridge your technology GAP

Do you find any technology GAP in your ecosystem?? We bridge your technology GAP with customized, carefully knitted and process oriented methodology to digitally transform your business to the next level.

Career at Modus

Are you looking for a rewarding and challenging career in the banking software industry? Do you want to work with some of the best minds and technologies in the field? Do you want to be part of a dynamic and innovative company that values your skills and potential? If yes, then you have come to the right place.

At Modus Software Solutions, we are always looking for talented and passionate people who can join our team and help us deliver the best solutions and services for our customers. We offer a stimulating and supportive work environment, a competitive compensation and benefits package, a flexible and collaborative work culture, and a variety of learning and growth opportunities.

We are a proud Trusted Partner of Oracle

Modus Software Solutions is a trusted partner in BFSI and we belive in long term relationship with our clients.

Modus Software Solutions is a one of a kind Oracle Partner with Excellence in their DNA focused on providing Innovative solutions, comprehensive consulting, customization, development,Reporting, Testing and IT Managed services,implementation and upgrade services for the Oracle Banking suite of products for Banks and Financial Institutions across the globe. Modus can bridge your technology GAP with carefully knitted process oriented and customized approach. We belive in Quality delivery and a long term relationship to take your business to the next level.

Let us connect!!!!
This could be the beginning of a beautiful alliance